My values:
I am an ally of LGBTQIA+ people and I wholeheartedly support the BLM movement.
As a result, I care deeply about representation and diversity and ensure this is reflected in all my lesson materials.
As a secular and multicultural educator, I value the reading of texts from a broad range of authors and I do not promote any particular religious belief.
There is no “Planet B” so I avoid high-polluting teaching materials such as glitter and laminated resources.
My philosophy:
I believe people learn best when they are happy, safe and motivated. It is very important for me to build relationships with students and to transmit to them my enthusiasm for learning.
My pedagogy reflects the “growth mindset” or neuroplasticity approach: Brains are muscles which can be trained and developed; everybody can make progress.
Neurodiversity underlines my pedagogy too: Children develop at different speeds – some people need more processing time than others – autism and dyslexia exist on spectrums – the goal of education should not be to make everyone think in the same way, but to develop everyone’s own way of thinking.
Bespoke tuition works: Being able to work at your own pace, guided by a professional, without the interruptions and pressures of a whole-class environment, is undoubtedly effective.